Monday, October 12, 2009

All that glitters..

so what else besides the onset of school could September bring?

A fun-filled adventure to London and France!! Two weeks of constant walking, eating and amazement just passed along with a quick pass through T.O. to say hello and I must say I'm overstimulated, exhausted and have lots to think about. :D One of the most diverse and informative trips I've ever taken we went from London to Le Touquet, in northern France to Paris. Each city was completely different even though at most their only a two hour train ride apart. I would definitely go back, but with more time to spare - and if you're ever in Paris, make sure you have a map handy. :P

Technologists can be fun too

A quick and fun favor for a friend with an inside joke; (to be honest I have no idea what its supposed to mean) asked for these buttons for her and her co-workers in a forensic lab. Apparently she didn't need this many but the more the merrier and now every tech can be colour happy while they analyze evidence - doesn't that just make you smile? :P

On Sale Now ?!?!

In the spirit of the season, I got overexcited and created a whole bunch of merch for an art festival last month, some halloween and some not... as you can see, things were getting mildly inappropriate at times. (all the better for it!) The beaver has been most popular :P I got some really great feedback from the other artisans at the festival so a big thanks for good ol' friendliness! And as an interesting by product - my quirky crafts are now on sale at Dutch Growers Saskatoon! Fun Twist!!

Interested to know more? email me!

A Hop, Skip and a 3 Day Drive..

So much has happened, and it sure has been hectic! The big move to Saskatchewan went well and I've been slooooowly getting oriented into the city. Best part? New studio space!!! :D As you can see, its a jumble of unpacking and excitement - I even have a housewarming plant! I can't wait to have it all settled in... and get some curtains :P

Monday, April 6, 2009

and.... ending it off with a bang

well, for my final interpretive project I decided to just do it, and by do it I mean go for sudden gusto and some awesome spring-inspired robins! yay!  I have a feeling this may have started something.....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Who doesn't love old men?

Absolutely no one!!!!  and it's even better when their covered in tattoos and have really intriguing stories!  The first image for my narrative project and I'm really beginning to enjoy myself.

Because the only thing better then old men is painting them. :D

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Martha Stewart Saves the Day!

So here it is, the first official post! I've finally got this blog-business up and going with some fun stuff to post from the holidays. Being the broke student I am my gifting budget this year was... homemade.
So I made my own version of some really sweet vintage map cuff links I saw and they turned out pretty decent! (Thank you Martha Stewart, you've saved the day again).